How to get started on Onlyfans
Ready to dive into the world of OnlyFans and start earning? Our comprehensive guide is here to help. Kickstart OnlyFans journey and maximize your income. Learn how to set up your account and how to avoid any issue — all while earning back 3% of your provisions!

Sign up for an OnlyFans account

To create an account, go to the OnlyFans website and click on the „Sign up“ button. You have to provide your name, email and password.  

When choosing a name for your OnlyFans profile, you want to select something that is both memorable and reflective of your brand or persona. Here are some good OnlyFans username ideas.

Verify your email

Before creating a creator account, you must verify your email. Just enter the email, open a new message from OnlyFans and click on the link.

Set up your profile

You cannot create a creator account without filling in an avatar photo, header photo and onlyfans bio. Choosing an ideal OnlyFans profile picture is important because it’s the first impression potential subscribers will have of you.

You can also add links to your social media accounts or your website. We recommend adding at least one social account to be verified.

Become a creator

Are you ready for your OnlyFans career? Hell yes!

On the sidebar, click on the more, where you will see the option become a creator. You have to verify your profile in order to become a creator.

Verify your OnlyFans account

OnlyFans will ask you to check your identity with the front camera on your phone. Then you need provide information of your ID. This is not the end.

Upload youd ID card

You need to upload an image of your ID from both sides. This is tricky because there is a slot for one picture only. I must personally put both images together in the free online tool Canva or in Keynote in Macbook.  

Upload your image with holding ID card

Next slot is for an image of yourself with holding your ID. The first side of ID is enough for this time. 

How long takes verification process?

Verification may take 24 – 72 hours officially. You will be notified via email once the verification process is complete. However, OnlyFans is no slouch and will do it faster. I was approved the fastest in 15 hours. In two cases it took 18 hours.

Why OnlyFans cancelled my application?

Finally! You received a message from OnlyFans, but instead of excitement, you received a cold shower in the form of a blunt email subject line. „Your account has been rejected“. Why meee!? Here are the possible reasons.

You didn't add a photo of the other side of your ID card

You have uploaded low-quality photos

OnlyFans requires users to submit clear and high-quality photos of government-issued IDs. The quality of the photo of you holding your ID card is particularly important. If you took a selfie, it could have caused this verification problem. Ask someone to take a picture of you. He/she can better focus on the text information on the card.

You are not on your profile pictures

If you hastily uploaded a random photo to your avatar or header image, OnlyFans has a problem with that. You must be in the photo to match your identity. OnlyFans needs to be sure that you are not impersonating someone else.

You haven't added any link to your social network account

OnlyFans may be in doubt and they won’t approve your account without adding a social media account. As we mentioned above, it’s better to add an Instagram or Facebook account so you don’t have to risk re-uploading photos and approving the account again.

Set your subscription price

OnlyFans allows creators to set their own subscription price. Consider what your content is worth and what your target audience is willing to pay for it.

Decide on the type of content you want to create

OnlyFans allows creators to share a wide range of content, from photos and videos to written content and live streams. Decide on the type of content you want to create and start planning and creating it.

Promote your OnlyFans account

To attract subscribers, you’ll need to promote your OnlyFans account. Consider promoting it on your social media accounts, through word of mouth, and by using other marketing techniques.

Engage with your subscribers

Once you have subscribers, engage with them by responding to comments and messages and by creating content that they enjoy.

Stay consistent

To keep your subscribers interested and engaged, it’s important to post new content on a regular basis. Set a schedule for posting content and stick to it.

Remember that OnlyFans is an adult-oriented platform, so you should be comfortable sharing explicit content if you choose to create an account. Additionally, it’s important to follow OnlyFans‘ terms of service and community guidelines to avoid being banned from the platform.

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